Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm back....

Alright kids.  I'm back.  Blogging again about everything.  Life, work, friends, school and everything in between.  

I'm making an executive decision to start putting it all on the line here.  I'd be lying if I said I wanted to watch what I said on here because some people have taken it upon themselves to use my blog as their sounding board.  Guess what? It's MY sounding board. Step off.  So now it's all about saying how it is and how I feel about everything.  Nothing goes unsaid.  

I was out with some friends this weekend and a few of them pulled me to the side to "chat".  Some needed a shoulder to cry and some just needed someone to "tell it like it is" And "tell it like it is" is my specialty.  I'm glad I could help someone figure something out because finally someone didn't sugarcoat it for them.  Don't get me wrong I'm not going around picking out everyones weaknesses (I leave that to more ignorant assholes) I just would hope people would do the same in return and to those people who I respect, it's ok.  

I treasure my friends opinion and advice about my life.  Why?  Because they know me the best. However, there is a fine line between knowing me VERY well and telling me like it is and THINKING you know me and offering your two cents.  I don't like that. 

So here's to some good old fashioned blogging.  Its what everyones been waiting for.    

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im so glad you are back blogging! love it!