Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nails tapping desk...looks at watch...

Yea, that's how I feel lately. When will it get here? When can I finally move. I'm looking forward to the move actually. However, contrary to what others may think this is not a solution to any of my problems, but hell...it sure beats the same ol' thang. I'm excited to see where this journey in my life takes me. I have no idea where but I know it'll be different and well worth it.

Now South Carolina is not my first choice in places to move. Let's be totally honest. My dream was Boston and the farthest south I was willing to go was DC. But I really have developed this special bond with Greenville. It's very picturesque and quaint. I like quaint.

I'm planning on driving out of Buffalo (for what hopes to be the last time...sorry) Dec. 26 or 27 and head down to PA to meet up with the Big Mans and head down to our new home, together. And if you think I wasn't going to my exit dramatic you thought wrong...I am. I'm going to play the Goo Goo Dolls "Better Days" and make my favorite drive down the 190 past downtown and Lake Erie headed to the 90 past the Buffalo's...and then I'll cry. I know I'll cry. I love Buffalo. I don't know what it is but I've become obsessed. I was brought extremely close to tears last week during my thesis defense when my professors looked at me and said "You can't leave". I'm about at tears now practically.

I don't think I've ever felt so passionately about something before in my life. I'll always be passionate about it. But I want to find more. More in life to be passionate about. I'm hoping to in this journey.

Pray for me. (Or scowl...either way)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

NOW you are an American?

So the election's over. I'll spare you my political banter and opinion.

Except on one very important issue.

I've see the Facebook and MySpace status and read the numerous opinion pieces and I've seen a lot of:

"Now I feel American" or "Now I am American"

How sad? How extremely sad...

Last time I checked we live in a country that treasures freedom... freedom of speech, freedom of press, etc.

Whether or not you liked who ran our country or not... you live in America. People give their lives to live in America. There would not be a constant barrage of illegal immigrants (and legal ones) who do not come to this country for opportunity. You are more then allowed to express any kind of opinion you want...and I mean ANY. And you NOW feel American? You live in the best country in the free world, the absolute best and to finally feel American is a cop-out, one major cop-0ut.

Political belief or not its a privilege to live in this country and an even bigger privilege to have the right to whatever opinion you believe in. To feel American NOW, disgusts me and I don't stand united with people like that.

And that's my opinion because as an American...I'm allowed to have one. Thankfully.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Starbucks The Way I See It #17

I'm always one to check out the side of my Starbucks cups for their inspirational "The Way I see It" quotes. God knows I've seen thousands.

These are just some great words from one of my FAVORITE past Sportscenter Anchors...Olbermann rocks!

"The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job: ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say "no"- they may not be smart enough to say "yes".

--Keith Olbermann, Broadcast journalist and host of MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann.

God damn that's right on! (for me at least)