Saturday, September 13, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thank you Glenn Beck!!! FACTS FACTS FACTS!

Read on people:

Arghhhhhh! For you crazies who read the first line of a news story and/or fabricated stories demeaning Sarah Palin. This one is dedicated to you.

Check it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Donn Esmonde is my hero....

This man rules!

Read On!

I'm going to miss his witty and amusing satire on the state of our region. If there is one person people in Buffalo better listen to when I'm gone it's him.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

My name is Jessica and I am a Republican.....

It's true. Loud-mouthed, opinionated and outspoken moi, is in fact a Republican. I get a lot of odd looks when people find this out. They possibly think well, I'm in my mid-twenties (were such rebels I know) and the fact that I'm a woman automatically makes me a Democrat. Not so my friends.

The funny thing about being young, moderately liberal and a woman makes me stick out like a sore thumb when those words "republican" roll off my tongue. I feel as thought I'm walking into some meeting of Liberal Republicans Anonymous only to mouth the worlds "My name is Jessica and I'm a Republican." Like its such a bad thing! To that I say, "Suck it!"

Ah yes, Republicans are money-grubbing, mean, old white men who know nothing of equality, diversity or fairness...ahhhh, boooo, hiss, scaly wag! (I've always wanted to say scaly wag in a Robin Williams, Mrs. Doubtfire-esque sort of way) Not so. And in fact I feel as those Sarah Palin is going to prove that. Her stance on guns and abortion may differ from my own but since those are not her only two platforms I really don't base my decision to stick with my Republican candidates solely on that.

I'm about small government. And in fact I feel as though since we do live in the United States of American and our forefathers knew a thing or two about democracy they also knew that it doesn't come so easy. They laid it out for us plain and simple. And you still can believe what you want, start your own organizations based solely on your beliefs and yes even become a "community organizer". But I believe they also knew that nothing can EVER be handed to you. The people who built this country did it by doing it on their own without obviously any assistance.

That's partially my thing with Democrats, the more the government becomes involved in our everyday lives (i.e. health care, quality of life and your money) the more we're losing in the end. I truly believe if someone is capable of thinking for themselves they can do anything. I didn't need a woman like Sarah Palin to tell me that. Fight hard enough and know your stuff, things happen. However its refreshing she does what she does. Man or woman she takes on slugs.

But I digress. This country has given its people MILLIONS of opportunities for advancement. I don't see the need to expand on that (i.e. universal health care). I guess I think back to how I was raised. Again I grew up blue collar, working class. But I worked hard MYSELF to be where I am today. Not better then my parents who instilled in me a "kick ass and take names" attitude and work ethic. But I'm more educated and well-rounded in order to form my own opinions and beliefs in what I do.

Republican or not. You have a chance to be anything in America. You have a chance to rise up from where you are at, boot straps or no boot straps, to become something that's successful. Success does not have to monetary. But in America, if you want it you are truly able to do it on your own. I don't need a welfare program to remind that there are people who don't have enough audacity to become something other then a government paycheck.

And that's why I'm a republican.