Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 1 and 51 lbs to go!

So here we go.  Finally begun a new season of Weight Watchers.  I've done Weight Watchers many many many times before.  And it's not so much that I failed, I would get to a point where people complimented me on my weight loss and I would think,  hmmm, I can do this on my own!  So low and behold I've tried and tried and tried to do it on my own.  To no avail I've never lost a ton of weight.  10 lbs here, 5 lbs there.  And each time I've re-tried I've been able to keep a few lbs off but nothing substaintional.  That's about it.  So yesterday I went into my first Weight Watches meeting that I hope .... no wait...WILL last meeting this high up on the scale.  

I got this new found excitement in me.  I don't know where it came from or why it's happening but I'm going with it.  To me, the whole WW is a lot of fun.  I've always been a fan of certain blogs that are WW friendly, and both of which started as someone like myself. Just a random-o blog that turned into fun weight loss blog with tips and tricks.  

So at the meeting I found out that I need to lost 51 lbs just to get to my the highest of my healthy wait.  I blame this on my mother....GOD DAMN YOU FOR BEING SHORT!  But no lie, 51 lbs is my goal.   Each time I've gone to meetings in the past, I never believed in that goal.  I thought "hmph I'll be fine losing 30 lbs or 40 lbs"  never 51 POUNDS!!!!  No I feel ready for it.  I don't know how long it's going to take me and frankly I don't care.  All I know is I need to do it.  For no one else but myself.   


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