Tuesday, July 29, 2008

And we're back folks...

Ah yes, I realized it has been far too long since I posted.

Here goes. Today I got thinking a lot about being an adult. I personally consider myself an adult. I pay my own bills, I'm over the age of 18, I have a full-time job that helps to pay those bills, I live on my own and well I drive a car. Frankly, in so many terms I think that makes me an adult.

It wasn't until recently I really felt as if any small piece of my childhood is pretty much gone. My schedule has been haywire for a few weeks now since I've been back from China. Non-stop stress. Non-stop meetings, classes and work. Mind you I am Type-A so keeping busy is in my DNA, however, so much for really enjoying the kid in me for just a little longer.

During the summers in Buffalo I tend to see a lot of young adults/teenagers driving around, out attending concerts, hanging out with friends and having fun. I remember those days. They were so care-free and exciting. Work was a pay check, you still had time to figure things out, and your social life reigned supreme. I slightly miss those days.

No longer do you work for a pay check during your summer break and enjoy a few weeks off in the winter time. Instead you work when vacations can sometimes be few and far between. And while you still may live paycheck to paycheck, the bills are bigger and the responsibilities endless.

Taking time out for yourself starts to become harder and keeping in touch with good friends isn't as easy as walking down the hall or street to hang out. Doing what YOU want to do your whole life becomes more impossible as the days go on.

It wasn't long ago that I thought taking on the world was easy. Reality sets in and adulthood becomes a slippery slope thats no longer as cool as it seemed.

Oy and I haven't even had kids yet. C'est le vie to the free spirit!

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