Tuesday, March 18, 2008

An Open Letter

Over the past few months I've had a lot of unresolved issues. Yes, I know shocking!?!?!?

But throughout my young adult life I've never really been able to hold on to friendships very long. But I've had a lot of friends. I'm an extremely social person, I hate sitting at home, I hate just lounging, I like meeting people, trying new things and having a good time. Maybe I set my expectations too high, maybe I'm meeting the wrong people or maybe....I just smell.

Either way I feel it necessary to write an open letter to those who in my past have left me hurt, broken and used. So here goes....

Dear Ex-friend,

I hope you are well. I know it's surprising coming from a wretch like me. But I do in fact actually wish you well. I do this because lucky for you I was raised that way. However, I was also raised to stand up for myself, for what I believe in and to not let anyone make me feel inferior. In which case, that is more or less the reason we're not friends anymore. I stand up for something when I feel wronged or hurt and I would expect you to do the same for me. I'm not perfect, your not perfect but it's the imperfections that make us unique, which is why I enjoyed our friendship.

I hope you realize that I was deeply hurt by your actions and words. I hope you realize it's not fair to treat someone the way you did me. I hope you understand that the reason I let you know of my hurt was only to help you to realize you are a good person and you do not need to stoop to such a low level in order for your own benefit.

I certainly never meant to make any situation a bigger deal then it was, but ultimately I was hurt and to the point that I knew our friendship could never really last. I sometimes look back and think to myself, what did I do wrong? Maybe everything, maybe nothing. I know deep down I was hurt and being a friend is a big deal to me. When someone doesn't honor that and instead decides to find certain ways to make my life miserable in the process, well that just doesn't sit well with me and I act upon it.

Call me a drama queen, call me crazy, call me whatever you want but what I know you can never call me is a bad friend.


A possible lost cause...


nicoleshoe said...

hey jess, i've been reading your blog because I really like it. You really are a good writer. And I really liked this post. I always felt we had similar feelings on this issue...sometimes things just get in the way. I hope you are doing well and happy :)

seanazq said...

Ok...burning bridges has to be done sometimes...but what about when it's family~! You've got sisters...what do you do?

Unknown said...

Like I say...family is family. That's what is good about it because no matter what happens, one time or another you can count on them and they can count on you. :)