Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why? Why? Why?

Here's my dilemma: I have this great passion about Buffalo, NY. Why? Because it's not only my hometown and where I grew up but the potential for turning this city around is there!!! People cannot see it!

I'll say it: Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus & UB's Center of Excellence

Oh and have you read UB's 2020 plan?????

If you're smart. You should. TODAY!

I avidly read and comment on the Twentysomething blog on The Buffalo News' website. Good blog. However, I think sometimes the "twentysomethings" who write it do not have a great view on their surroundings. But I's my thing.

If many of you know me you know I spend far more time explaining to people what we have to offer here then I do tearing it down. Yes, we have HUGE issues with politics, yes people are focused on casinos and a bait and tackle shop. We're NOT New York City, we're NOT DC. But god dammit we're a pretty happening and fun city!

I encourage anyone and everyone to read the Buffalo Rising blog.....weekly if not DAILY! You will see we're not just some washed up rust belt city with a football problem. We're movers and shakers and believe or not you have some of the country's best museums, best theatre and best god damn food EVER!

I can spend my weekend dining at some upscale restaurant for half the price of the same fare you would see in the big cities or heading down to Ellicottville (the Aspen of 25 years ago, quaint and affordable!) to do some skiing, snowboarding or tubing (ok I don't ski but I plan on learning soon!) And have I mentioned the summers? There is a festival if not at least two every weekend in some part of this region. You can slip back into a reasonably priced cottage on the shores of Canada or Dunkirk for a nice summer weekend getaway or do some wine tasting along some of the best wineries this side of the Mississippi.

You all know my shtick. I boost up Buffalo and even if I do leave (Mind you I'll go kicking and screaming), I won't tear it down!

So please if you've left Buffalo and constantly bash it, let's dig deep into your deep rooted hatred for something besides snow. Seriously, people.

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