So for the first time ever, today, my mental health day, I took yoga. Now for some people they've made yoga a lifestyle and some kind of saving grace. I may be that person.
For a good while I've been through some ups and downs and I'm not particularly doing to well in dealing with them. So I decided to jump in and take a yoga class.
I think Yoga just may be my new cardio. I've never been limber of flexible and if you know me, I'm usually always stressed. I feel like this kind of exercise can really be my saving grace. What works out great is that the BAC offers a great time for me to fit it in.
So after my first class I feel stronger, more limber and dare I say flexible. Did I mention I was able to clear my head?
Here's one down and my plan is to take yoga at least once or twice a week.
Namaste everyone! :)
yoga is awesome, i highly recommend bikram yoga where they lock you in that 90 degree room. its super hard and you sweat off probably 10 percent of the water in your body, but you get out with this ridiculous oxygen high.
Actually it's on my list of things to do for this summer...why not do it in the hottest weather we have, really get my sweat on. :)
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