Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm baaaaaack!

After much time and thought and maybe a little soul-searching I decided to bring my personal blog back! I mean why not? To be honest a lot has changed in my life over the last 5 months since I posted. However, a few things have not. The first being that I still have not yet found a job here in Greenville. To say that I'm beyond frustrated is being nice. And a big reason why I decided to blog again was simply because I was not finding any other outlet to vent my frustrations. I also have yet to find many folks out there I can relate to on these subjects and beyond.

My situation is also a bit rare in that I made the move with a significant other for his employment. (Ah yes ladies, the things we do for love.) We're getting married next June and while most would assume planning a wedding is the time of your life, when you are jobless, its not all its cracked up to be.

So the list making gal that I am decided to come up with a few ideas for future blog posts you'll see here soon:

1.) The quandary I find myself as a master's degree educated young person who struggles to find a job for even a foot in the door. (I've given up the dream of making close to $50K in my given field, or have I?)

2.) My never-ending effort to not be known as the "loud and opinionated (somewhat annoying) girl from Buffalo" but instead "the gal with the know who and the know how to succeed in a place not quite fit for her" (Get my drift?)

3.) To stay in Greenville, SC or not stay in Greenville...that is the question and quite frankly I'm still searching for the answer

4.) Why skinny girls constantly need to talk about their weight around the fat chick (i.e. ME)

5.) My search for the perfect wedding dress

6.) My struggle to lose weight and keep it off before the "big day" and beyond

7.) Why I still am not on the Obama train....yet. (And you thought I was going to stray from my political rants...oh no no)

8.) My undying love for everything Buffalo and why one day...I will be back to run for mayor!

9.) The greatest and best ways I'm trying to cut costs and save some change while job hunting. Take for example the awesome bowling alley around the corner that only charges $6 for four games/per person! And my Dollar Tree excursions!

10.) My love/hate relationship with social media. While I think its absolutely the best thing since sliced bread, I see parts of it being taken to an immature and somewhat "high schoolish" game of being in or out. I also don't believe in social media rock stars. We're all rock stars. (Especially me)

So to my returning readers, all 5 of you. (Even you too mom!) Welcome back! To those just joining me, get ready. I don't apologize for who I am and I don't hold back. I have opinions, as I'm sure you do too. I do ask however that you refrain from name-calling and making personal attacks at me. I may be loud and proud but I don't personally attack any one person on this blog. Even you, Mr. Obama. :)


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