1- Did you kiss anyone? The Big Mans of course
2- Did you date anyone? Again the Big Mans...
3- Are you going to kiss someone when the ball drops? Me and the Big Mans will be staying in for the first time in a long time...Works for me!
4- Did you lose any friends? They weren't really friends in the first place...so really it's their loss :)
5- Did you gain any friends? Reconnected a lot...which works for me! I have awesome friends!
6- Did you do something new? I got a new job, I got engaged (that's new!), I decided to move out of Buffalo...that's new
7- Did anyone important to you die? Thankfully not anyone very personal to me, but Tim Russert was a big loss for all of Buffalo
8- Did you change? I'm always changing, you can't grown if you don't
9- Are you happy with the year over all? I would say so...a lot happened!
10- Whats the best thing that happened to you? I got engaged to my best friend!
11- Did you fall in or out of love? I've been in love for awhile but being away from the Big Mans helped me to fall in a love even more if that's possible!
12- Are you happy the years almost over? Yeah I think 2009 is going to rock!!
13- Are you going to change something about yourself next year ? I think I'll be much more fit then last year and I'd like to change some things careerwise
14- Do you think 2009 will be a better year then 2008? I bet!
20- Did you go on a summer vacation? We went to the Finger Lakes which is always the best summer vaca...
21- Did you lie to your parents? I'm sure I did it for their greater good
22- Did you get into a fight ? I'm pretty positive that I've started some verbal fights...and I believe I won. Which works.
23- Did you leave the country? Went to China!
24- Did you have a good birthday? It was in China, which was pretty cool however I wish I could have celebrated with my REAL friends and my family.
25- Did anyone in your family get married? No but my cousin got engaged!
26- Do you think you grew? In many ways I think I did...
27- Did you dye your hair? A few times
28- Who do you think you were on the phone with the most? The Big Mans
29- Did anyone sing to you? Haha...some people sang Happy Birthday thats about it, thankfully
30- Did you sing to anyone? I did some karoke!
31- Did anyone tell you they loved you? Yes...
32- Did you ever go to the hospital? Unfortunately to visit some people but that's it
33- What did you drink and eat the most? Lots of water and Pringles...i love Pringles
35- Did you change your profile over 10 times ? I'm sure I did...always trying to re-invent myself
36- Did you change your default at least 20 times? Haha I don't think so...I'm not that vain!
37- Did you get a tattoo? Thought about it...
38- Did you vote? OOOOO YES!
39- Are you going to make a new years resolution ? A few things
41- Think you’ll date someone in 2009? I'll be engaged to someone!
42- Where will you be when the ball drops? At home with the big mans watching it on TV
43- Do you think you will make new friends in 2009? I always do and I can't wait to meet some cool people in Greenville
44- Are you hoping to meet someone special in 2009? That special someone in 2009 better be my new boss! Anyone that gets me a job is someone special to me in 2009! :)
45- How do you feel, another year has passed you by? A LOT has happened!! It's changed me completely and I'm so happy for it. I'm ready for what's to come
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