Yup. You heard it here first folks. Jessica is moving out of Buffalo.
I've always been told that "Oh my gawd, how can you move out of Buffalo, you love it so much...like oh my gawd?!?!"
Yea for the record I really hate that. I think I'm a little more deep then just loving Buffalo people. But whatev.
No it does suck. I mean I really was holding out for doing some substational in Buffalo and it just didn't work that way. It may be my standards but I feel like I need to experience something more. I did the whole advocate for what Buffalo could be but it got stale. (For me that is) Some people can do it. Personally I'm drained, worn out, beat down and ready to start a brand new life. And lucky for me I am.
So the Big Mans was offered a position in South Carolina. While we were happy he found a job after 7 gagillion years of college, we were disappointed that nothing popped up in Buffalo. This UB Center for Bioinformatics and Life Sciences was supposed to DO SOMETHING. Like 3 years ago!!!! Ugh. And what about keeping young people (with a brain) here! Someone dropped the ball and it wasn't us. We stood strong, we advocated and we busted our butts to get our situation to change but it didnt.
It's not all bad. In fact I've never been happier in my life. I'm lucky enough to have an amazing man in my life. Someone who gets me and loves me for everything that I am. So picking up and moving down to the dirty south wasn't something I could pass up. Plus he makes me smile like a gitty school girl. I love him.
I'm ready to move on. Find out what it is I'm really on this earth to do. Part of me knows its not writing and certainly not PR. But I'm really focused on finding out what it is. I just want to be happy and I know thats with the Big mans, wherever in this world we may end up, we'll always love Buffalo.
1 year ago
Well best wishes to you and yours in your big move. I'm sure you will have lots of exciting new things to share once you arrive in the south. I too once made the move to the south, and was fortunate enough to finally have the stars all align so that I could return to Buffalo. As Dorothy said - there's no place like home ...but there's tons of exciting things to do outside of it! Cheers to you!
You suck! J/K...I'll miss you but I am happy for you. I hope to see you around Thanksgivings!
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