Monday, January 4, 2010

In 2009 I learned...

-Moving halfway across the country entails a lot more emotional strength than I ever imagined (culture shock times 100)

-Not everyone cares how much education you have, or even experience, even how hard you work, as long as you can talk the talk and walk the walk, you're in!

-I'm allowed to ALWAYS re-invent myself

-You can't expect everyone to be nurturing. My previous supervisors were all very nurturing, something I took all too much for granted

-That I'm going to be a damn good mom!

-Fashion and design is truly a passion of mine, I don't just love shoes and accessories, I LOVE shoes and accessories

-I'm passionate about being an independent professional and I shouldn't let it pass me by

-I have the most amazing husband-to-be EVER. We're "that couple" you wish you could be. Not perfect but filled with lots of love. And I'm not ashamed to admit it.

-I have the most amazing family and friends EVER...seriously...EVER!

-I'm not just obsessed with social media and the new trends in marketing, PR and advertising I have a deep passion for it. And one day, I'm going to change the world with it. (Ok a girl can dream can't she?)

-That Blogspot is so 2009 and Wordpress is very folks that is where I'm headed with Damsel in a Dress.

It is a new chapter in Damsel in a Dress that I'm very excited to start. A lot of new improvements and a lot more posts about everything. Fashion, life, my passion for social media, my transition to the south and don't forget...the wedding!

Stay tuned...