Monday, March 30, 2009

You will dislike me after this...

Sorry...I got this email today and well...I just have to share.

Maybe you'll understand me more and maybe you'll hate me more. Either way move on.

I recently asked my friend's little girl what she wanted to be
when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day.

Both of her parents, liberal Democrats,were standing there, so I asked
her,'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?'
She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.'

Her parents beamed.

'Wow! What a worthy goal.' I told her, 'But you don't have to wait until
you're President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow the
lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll
take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and
you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.'

She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in
the eye and asked, 'Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the
work, and you can just pay him the $50?'

I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.'

Her parents still aren't speaking to me.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The REAL social standards of Social Networking

I love social networking. I love new, online and digital media. I hate faxing a press release or even putting one together in general. I think they are useless. I think they will be useless completely in a good 10 years.

However, where are the social and etiquette practices of networks like Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and yes, even MySpace. I treat each of those type of networks like I would someone I trusted as a friend. Quite frankly, I've done some friend purging every so often. If I haven't talked to you in a few months, you most likely don't really care about my life both professional and personal. And really you are looking for a way to cyber-stalk me. Yes...I mean you.

Now what do you do if someone wants to follow you on Twitter and really they were never that friendly to you in person anyways?

First I got the Facebook following and now its the Twitter thing.

(I'd like to add that nor do I claim to have a "following" in any aspect of my life, both on social networks and real life, but you know where I'm going)

Do we go so far as to ask, "What are your exact reasons you feel the need to add me as a friend?" I don't so much do this for someone I've never met before in my life, to be honest I've forged some really great connections and relationships with those who just liked my blog or followed my Tweets, more on the professional front.

What about those people that you've actually met sometime in your life whether professionally or personally and maybe you never saw eye to eye or you in fact never trusted them? IF and this is a big IF I find someone who I knew in a past lifetime, I do the common courtesy to actually make a personal note. I think that's just good etiquette. Same goes with professional contacts.

While I love this social networking boom, I think it may just be one way that people can stalk one another. I don't like people stalking me. Which is why I make my Facebook and MySpace private.

So stalker or follower?

You decide.

How much is too much?

So there are tons of web sites out there that you can publicize your blog.  Without sounding a bit skitzo with my last point.  I wonder if promoting this blog is really worth it.  To be honest, I've used to this blog to somewhat update my friends on my life's doings but mostly just to rant and vent.  

I've had good responses and oh-so-bad responses.  Which begs the question: "How much is too much?"  

I've had people (i.e. pretty much anyone over the age of 40) telling me "oooo watch what you post on the internet, a future employer could find it...oooo" I've had many a heated debate with said people why I think they are wrong.  Quite frankly, if an employer doesn't like what I post here:  
#1 I'd like to see them find who the real person is behind this blog 
#2 I've made sure that no employer will ever link my name to this blog...ok well I've done my best anyways.  

I've had this blog picked up by The Buffalo News for an ungodly reason.  I did like the To-Do list piece and it was quite fun but I guess it wasn't totally the route I was going down here for this blog. 

I've had people decide to take out their "I hate IrishPRGrl's manifestos" in the form of blog comments.  Which unfortunately has kept me from posting certain things I'd love to delve in to without running the risk of someone emailing me or iming me and telling me that I'm a fat pig.... (You know who you are, you know you still read my blog too,  how sad)  

So is this really a blog I want to promote?  If not then I really need to start another one possibly focused entirely to the booming social networking/digital media world and well my favorite topic:  Politics!  (Bi-partisan, believe it or not)  

If so I really can't stand censoring myself. 

Me?  Censored?  So NOT fun, do we agree?  

I'm officially a member of Twenty Something Bloggers!

Go me!

Friday, March 20, 2009

You know what makes things all better...

Listening to O.A.R "That was a crazy game of poker"....ugh love that song. 

Because of this:  

Well you can lose all your money, you can lose all your gold,

You can never lose your heart, you can never lose your soul, 

That's why I'm not gonna quit and I'm never gonna stop....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

How to lose friends REALLY quickly....

Become a Republican...or not agree with Obama's policies.  

How do I know this?  Well, it happened.

Yes, in fact I've lost many friends since the election.  Some have lingered off and become... a-hem "busy".  And well maybe being unemployed I just have way too much time on my hands to realize it.  

It's not a secret that I enjoy a good debate.  And well I like to voice my opinion.  

But before you judge.  Know this:  

-I do my research.  
-I don't believe Obama is in fact going to make everything all nice, pretty and hunky-dory
-I do in fact not enjoy that people booed George Bush at the inauguration.  I'll premise this with I voted for John Kerry in 2004, Bush is not my savior.  However,  I don't care if you hate his father and think he put us in this economic situation (The recession was already beginning at the time Bush came into office which means...oh yeah...Clinton f*cked up! You want to debate this, I have proof and numbers.  But honestly, don't waste your time, you'll lose.) The fact of the matter is 9/11 happened, something needed to be done to keep this country safe, because guess what...somehow it wasn't and it still isn't.  Millions of people fought for this freedom, lets keep it that way, huh? 

Now this is an abbreviated version of what I want my president to be: 
 -Most presidents didn't use teleprompters.
-My president does NOT ban gay marriage.    
-My president keeps our country safe.  
-My president supports people who have picked themselves up off their bootstraps and made something of themselves, without government assistance OR have come out of government assistance to live on their own in a healthy and fruitful way.  
-My president makes a surprise trip to visit the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and not an appearance on Jay Leno
-My presidents STOPS blaming either party or past president and does his job.  
-And finally, this is NOT the worst recession since the Great Depression.  I have numbers and facts for that too.  So MY president wouldn't not throw that term around so loosely.  

And that my lovlies is how you lose friends. 

P.S.  Keep on the lookout for The Big Mans BI-PARTISAN political blog...full with facts, facts, facts.  I least I got him on my side, right?  



Monday, March 16, 2009

Do you kinda get it?

So lately I've not exactly been in the best of moods. I think some of us have all gone through it sometime in your life. If you have I commend you.

Quite frankly, its those times where you are just mad at the whole world. You know it? You've been there. And nothing nor nobody can really get you out of that funk.

Look I'm not some negative whoo-ha who just wants to have people read about my troubles. I'm just kind of hoping in some small way other people can say "Oh yea! I've been there!" and possibly disregard a lot of my ranting for just plain funkiness.

If you can, thank you. And if you can't, I suggest you contact me directly and get to know me before you judge me.

Is that asking too much?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No. Job hunting is in fact NOT humbling...

Before I begin I'd like to preface this by saying, yes I quit my job on my own ability because #1 I was desperately not happy in what I was doing, #2 My fiance and the man I plan on bearing and rearing his children (oh and be a great wife to, too) with was offered a job in this god-forsaken, jesus-loving city we call Greenville.  I'd also like to say that, look, I know the economy is in the shitter and this country has not be more afraid to barely walk outside and enjoy the day.  Look I get it.  I'm not the only one....blah blah f'in blah.  I'll remind you my father a truck driver (you remember those...that form of transpiration that makes sure you get food on that Pottery Barn table of yours, ya that) of 30 years was also laid off...count 'em TWICE in one year.  So really don't go spouting your Obama loving economic stimulus package BS to me because quite frankly, I could give a rat's behind.  

And so we begin...

I'm a fan of change and contrary to popular belief but I embrace it.  Having about 10 jobs in the last 10 years (internships, part time and full time)  will tell you I like change and, well,  bring it on!  Nothing is ever really good enough for me.  I just know that my past employment I've sat in a chair and thought to myself how I could make it better, and so I did.  

Going into this whole moving south thing was not something I was a fan of, some of you may know my reservations.  But I did it.  Yes, I did.  While we're not dying of hunger down here by any means let me tell you a little something about not having a place to work or set employment.  You forget who you are.  And yet, you would also think at this time, why not take time for myself to really find out who I AM.  Hahahahahahaha...hold on a second...hahahahahahahaha.  You think its that easy,huh?  Well then your not me, so quit reading.  

Yes folks, don't lie to yourselves, you cannot honestly tell me that if you did not have the job you have or A job for that matter, you'd really know who you are.  

Let's take for example a networking event.  First thing people ask "What company are you with?" That's not humbling.  In fact saying that you are a consultant and self-employed is not really as cool as you would think it is when it comes out of your mouth.   

First of all, being a marketing and PR guru that I am, yes I am.  I have seen a lot of posers. Lots of jobs out there that claim to be PR and marketing jobs, when in fact they are dressing up as lady Liberty and waving as cars go by for Liberty Tax Refunds.  It's ridiculous.  Another reason I think Monster and Career Builder are pretty much a complete waste of time.  

Another thing about the job hunt, unlike other things in life, i.e. a death, a baby, a one is really there to comfort you.  Nope, no one.  God bless the big mans, he tries, he does.  Instead I get a lot of "Well you are not the only one going through this" in fact I am.  I am in the 14 percentile of people with a master's degree (such as mine) in the industry. And I in fact know a thing or two about social media and the way it's taking the PR and marketing industry.  A lot of these old fogies (yes my elder generations) quite frankly, do not and don't give a s**t about it either.   And yet, they get hired?  FUNNY!  

You have no idea how many networking events or agencies that have no clue what this society is really going through in order to make changes.  No one embraces social media.  No one gets it.  I can't wait for 10 years when they are far behind the times...I just wish those 10 years would fly by.  

See none of this, none of these networking events and meeting new people in the area or having interviews and not getting the job has really humbled me.  And you know what?  It never really will.  I don't get humbled when it comes to my career.  Sorry.  

Sunday, March 8, 2009 this.

Watch this...

This is hands down one of my favorite shows and the Inside the Actor's Studio 10 questions is my favorite part of the show.  

Listen to Conan's answer to what turns him on.  I think its changed my life.  It hits at :40

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Vote for us in the Ultimate Wedding Giveaway

So somehow Kyle and I are in the running to win the Ultimate Wedding in Buffalo, NY!

For those that know us, you know we love Buffalo. We lived, breathed and ate anything Buffalo. In fact we still get people to call us for suggestions on restaurants and anything Buffalo!

So you get it...we love Buffalo! (Now if only a certain Buffalo employer would hire Kyle as a master chemist...we'd be all set!)

Anyways we're having a Destination Wedding set in Buffalo. Buffalo-themed and celebrating our favorite city!

Now vote for us to win the wedding giveaway!!

(Someone has said you can vote up to 10 times a day...and even more on difference web browsers...just sayin)

Here's the link:

Thank you to all who vote! As my grandpa always said "You will be blessed in heaven, my child"
