I love that..."its how I roll" I personally enjoy adding biatch on the end for emphasis but that's just me.
Speaking of rolling I'd like to bring up cliques.
As women we live and die with cliques.
(Ladies...you are lying to yourselves if you don't and you know it)
I've come across a rather annoying clique at my gym. Becoming the gym rat that I have in the last few months its so funny to see the ancient social gathering of cliques. In fact I'm pretty positive after high school, college and yes even grad school...the gym and work are the next closest things you will find to high school cliques.
This one resides mostly in my spinning class or as the like to call it down here "cycling" (Which means no clips for my $80 pair of Nike spinning shoes...don't worry I have filled out a comment card already) The little group of middle-aged women (and I think one husband) have already decided to peg me out as the anti-Christ of their oh so wholesome little clique. Funny...its not the first time I've been hated by a wide group of people I don't know. Hmph, maybe its the 'tude.
Side note: At this gym because its owned by the City of Mauldin, SC means that anyone residing in the town and is a member or plays recreational sports in the basketball courts is allowed here, which leaves little space for a REAL spinning class. So there are only about 15 bikes, This also means you have to call in that morning to reserve your spot. And when I mean call in I mean like 6:45 AM today they were completely spoken for...the gym opens at 6AM. (Luckily me and big networking ass has an inside to someone that works the front desk and well I got an early spot last night) Bottom line...these bikes are sacred ground.
So back to the clique the spins. In the last week or so I've noticed the evil eye of said ladies and even had a few snickers and looks my way (mind you I sit in back...you know they are looking right at ya)
So today it got me thinking. (I know you are wondering...where's the freakin point you mumbling half wit!) About cliques.
I've never been one for them. In fact I roll with lots of biatches. Haha but in all my life I was never really set in just one clique.
-The jocks
-The drama girls
-The wanna-be's ( ok no I lied...in middle school I was totally a wanna-be but a single sex high school education totally changed that for me)
-The princesses
-The tough chicks
-The pretty bitches
-The insecure know-it-alls
Which makes me wonder, quite frankly I could care less who I hang with and really don't mind going it alone when in social situations as it is, but why the immature antics.
And it also it begs the question...why as women we like to do everything in a group and if said person is alone, do we feel bad or look down upon them or in my situation (s)...because it ain't the first time...do we cast them out.
I don't know I just find it insulting as women who have hopefully matured and grown past our differences in fashion, opinion, strengths and weaknesses that we don't accept each other for the good. Don't get me wrong some people are just a lost cause if they don't bring at least some kind of positivity to your life, but really is it too much to ask to get to know someone and even if they are incredibly better at spinning then you are (hehe).
It's a metaphor people...let's not get carried away.
1 year ago