Monday, April 14, 2008

Why it's essential to make yourself happy!

So Friday night the big mans and I decided to go out for some dinner. This time we knew we were in desperate need to try something new. We headed over to Hutch's Restaurant on Delaware Avenue. A cute and modern bistro just as you get into the heart of the city. We fell in love. The food was absolutely phenomenal and I found myself a little upset that I have never tried it before. At the moment, Hutch's tops our list of favorites in Buffalo.

Which again makes me happy. It's what I love about Buffalo. You find new and interesting restaurants all the time. That's IF you take the time to do it and step out of your comfort zone. I'm really hoping with my master's thesis/final project, I'll be able to incorporate this kind of momentum into something viable and fun. But we shall see. For now it's off to designing two print ads for my campaign. Now, I just need to find something that works so I'm thinking of parking my arse down at Spot Coffee sometime this week for some inspiration.

Another thing that makes me happy is the work I'm doing. It's finally your good old fashioned PR work. What better place to jump into it then at a non-profit. I like the work I'm doing and I LOVE who I'm doing it for. People who matter and deserve a wonderful and comfortable place to live and be happy at 70, 90 even 100 years old! I think this type of work couldn't have come at a better time in my life when I needed to finally focus on myself and the work I love to do. Cut the drama, cut the fat and move on with my life and my goals. It's liberating!

All in all I'm so happy to be working on a master's project like the one for Buffalo. Our advisor has said do something you know you'll still love by the time your finished. And no matter what I always love something about Buffalo. I hope you do too.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mmmm good...

So in attempt to use up some fresh vegetables and fruits before they go bad (well, and to deter doing any homework)  I decide to whip up a few concotions that are both comfort foods and actually really healthy.  For awhile now I've been able to spend my little free time cooking healthier versions of good foods and finding new ways to cut calories but still feel satisfied.  And you know what?  I love it!  Not only am I enjoying good food it's healthy and so far through trial and error others enjoy it too.  Hmmm maybe a possible career change?  Who knows. All I know is that the following recipes from my FAVORITE web site, are delish! 

First up.... Better off Banana Bread  not only is this very delicious but its hearty and once I added my own little ingredient it tastes EXACTLY like the Starbucks "Reduced-Fat" Banana Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake.  Which I LOVE.  That's right I added some mini chocolate chips and when all is said and done a "thick" slice of this banana bread is only 200 calories Did you know by "reduced fat", Starbucks is referring to 10 actual grams of fat???   

My tip:  When you see "reduced" really read the labels.  

Now for the kicker this bread has only 4 grams of fat for a thick slice!  Yum?  I know.  

On to my entree....(notice my dessert comes before dinner?)  Good Luck Parm which is a healthier version of Eggplant Parmesan.  My favorite Italian dish!  The trick to this was substituting whole eggs with egg whites and regular bread crumbs with crushed up Fiber One cereal (A Hungry Girl staple) and some italian seasonings.  Throw in some fat-free cheeses and sauce and you got a HUGE piece is only 170 calories!  Yum!  I can't wait to bring this final product to lunch tomorrow.  

Now mind I know what your thinking.....fat-free?  Fiber One? Ewww.  Now I'm not going to say that these versions will taste incredibly better then the original  HOWEVER since making recipes like this and enjoying good food without the guilt I've learned to actually enjoy the healthier versions much better.  

So check out the web site, surf around and find some great finds.  Also make sure to register for daily email hints and tips.  

Happy (and healthy) eating!  

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Crocs: What not to wear

So unless you live under a rock you know that some people have made the unattractive fashion statement of wearing Crocs. If you're one of those people I suggest moving on now. Because this blog is just not for you and you will in fact, be very offended.
For some strange reason what was once used as a cute pair of gardening sandels for women in their late 50's has become some kind of "I'm a lazy ass but they have a store devoted to them in every mall so they must be cool" type of statement.

NEWSFLASH: They are not!

Crocs are popping up everywhere. In every mall there is either a store devoted entirely to them or a stand that is strictly devoted to adding charms to the holes in Crocs. CHARMS?!?!?! on shoes? What are we 10?

Which brings me to my next point. Some crazy self-obsessed overweight mother of three has outfitted all of her children with a pair of Crocs because she is obviously way too "busy" to teach her children how to tie a pair of sneakers. STOP THE INSANITY.

So last week I found the coolest pair of shoes to outfit my feet. They are called sneakers. Yes....these things:

Cute yes? (Thanks you to my Fleet Feet sales guy I think I have the best sneakers, EVER!) And they are multi-demensional, see you use them to run, walk, hike, joke, go to the store, watch a hockey game, eat food, kick someone in the ass, study, hide a get my point.
So the next time your in the mall and you walk by one of these "Croc" stores, please do us all a favor and find the nearest Foot Locker/Foot Action/Finish Line and get a real pair of schlepping around footwear. Your feet and your neighbor who has to smell your stanky feet will thank you.